Thursday, April 28, 2016

 Introduction to Portfolio
This blog is a culmination of all the work I have completed throughout the course of the Spring 2016 semester in Dr. Wielgos' College Writing 2 class. I have never been the best writer, I guess I just have a hard time with putting my thoughts into words and making a paper worth reading. When I went to writing class the first day of the semester, I remember walking out of there thinking to myself, "how in the world am I going to pass this class?" At first it seemed like so much was expected of me to be able to get a passing grade. When Dr. Wielgos mentioned that we had to keep a blog throughout the semester I was a bit angry at first. I was angry because I didn't understand what blogging had to do with the course. I came to realize that blogging allows one to express their emotions and thoughts. It is a way to get whatever is on your mind, off your mind. I never imagined myself blogging even though I was always interested in it. Simply because I am a very forgetful person and I would most likely forget to log back in and keep my blog alive. After the first blog, I realized that blogging wasn't as bad as I made it out to seem. It was a form of expressing myself and ranting about my daily struggles. Although it would be awesome to have "fans" or people who enjoy reading my blogs, I am not sure if blogging is for me. This class taught me that it is okay to express yourself through a computer screen and connect with the rest of the world. In previous writing classes and in high school, teachers never put so much stress on being passionate about what you are writing. Dr. Wielgos would constantly remind the class that if we were not passionate about what we were writing, that the paper would not work out in our favor, and he was right. I have never been able to pick a topic to write about so easily before taking this class. I realized that all it takes to write a good paper is passion. This semester I was able to develop my writing skills. As well as improving my knowledge about different writing styles. I was able to share one of the most special experiences of my life in the Experience Synthesis Essay. I was also able to share my knowledge and my passion about cheerleading in the Explanatory Synthesis Essay. Finally, we had a Researched Argument Synthesis Essay that allowed me to learn more about the dangers that football poses to the youth and build an argument off of what I learned. We also had written assignments here and there, one of which I enjoyed more than the others, which I couldn't help but include in our final portfolio. Along with all the papers and written assignments, included in the portfolio are also purpose statements/design plans and reflections for writing projects 1 and 2.

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